I haven't made a map, but I though of a game mode called one-shot. It's like Showdown but different. Every brawler has 1 ammo slot which can't reload, so if you use it once you can't use it again. Every brawler also has only 1 hit point. If you hit another brawler you get your ammo back. That is the only way to get your ammo back. The reason why it's called one-shot is because if you hit one shot on a enemy, they die. Last one standing wins. How is this game mode?
Looks really cool, especially with the unusual colour scheme for gem grab. I'm no expert, but it looks like it might favour tanks which would be good for Gem grab! :)
Just made a map for a new mode I've come up with called Dodgebomb... It's like Bounty but there's a rope fence in the middle that you can shoot across, and even go across to the other side with you're super, but you would take 1000DPS if you go onto the other side... (Also: imagine that where the grass ends, that's where the map ends).
I know it looks stupid but it would have an interesting meta (maybe?)
Also another rule to the mode that I forgot to say before: you can only bring a teammate back if you get a kill (like dodgeball) and everyone is on energy drink (with extra health of course).
Hello SuperCell! This is my first map! This is a bounty map idea My player name: [DN] Titanic12 My player tag: # 28UVR2GJ Map name: Canyon Map code: P2lkPTUxODgzMkRFOTI4QzkzOEUmbWFwPVRVRlFYekJJWVUxUg ==
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Too many jump pads too bare
Codigo del mapa:P2lkPTIxMDc1MUJDODdCOTU0NjYmbWFwPVRVRlFYekZYUkdOMg==
Wow that’s good
Este es el mapa,, numero no me acuerdo pero les traigo uno de atrapagemas.
Código del mapa: P2lkPTIxMDc1MUJDODdCOTU0NjYmbWFwPVRVRlFYekJOVjBVeg==
Un saludo a la comunidad...
summer down P2lkPTZERDRGQjkxOTMwMzE4RUQmbWFwPVRVRlFYemMyVDBabA== map code here good day :)
New map called Shiny Smiley that could work for showdown or the one shot game mode down below.
In game name: ishish-_-
title: Shiny Smiley
I haven't made a map, but I though of a game mode called one-shot. It's like Showdown but different. Every brawler has 1 ammo slot which can't reload, so if you use it once you can't use it again. Every brawler also has only 1 hit point. If you hit another brawler you get your ammo back. That is the only way to get your ammo back. The reason why it's called one-shot is because if you hit one shot on a enemy, they die. Last one standing wins. How is this game mode?
Not a bad idea, but what about the brawlers that shoot multiple bullets like Pam, it would be too op
That is true
Maybe some brawlers are banned from that mode like only max brawlers for powerplay, so for this only 1 bullet or attack for this.
This is great
Die andere map hat jetzt einen anderen Namen.
Ich habe die Map nochmal überarbeitet.
Hier ein Foto
Didn't you already name a map hot shot?
Hope you like my map, please give me feedback. Thank you!
Looks really cool, especially with the unusual colour scheme for gem grab. I'm no expert, but it looks like it might favour tanks which would be good for Gem grab! :)
The "power cubes" on the map were distributed in numerous and fair ways.
People's positions are fairly fair.
plak plak
I'm not sure if this is good or not so here it is.
The middle is strong, but if you can put some stuff in the backs then it will be perfect
My Siege map
My nickname [LP]KILLER2584
My tag #22LU02RG
Map key
The middle is PERFECT, but if you could change the backs then it will be great 👍
I made this map today! Hope you like it!
Not bad 👍
Hier ein Foto von meiner ersten Map Hot Shot
To many jump pads
Danke das du mir gesagt hast das es zu viele Jumppads waren
You named a big game map big game?
Lol yeah just noticed this
Soll ich sie umbennenen.
Meine zweite Map: Big Game
Ich weiß nicht wie man ein Foto veröffentlicht: (
Meine Map Hot Shot
Just made a map for a new mode I've come up with called Dodgebomb... It's like Bounty but there's a rope fence in the middle that you can shoot across, and even go across to the other side with you're super, but you would take 1000DPS if you go onto the other side...
(Also: imagine that where the grass ends, that's where the map ends).
I know it looks stupid but it would have an interesting meta (maybe?)
Also another rule to the mode that I forgot to say before: you can only bring a teammate back if you get a kill (like dodgeball) and everyone is on energy drink (with extra health of course).
If you eliminate the other team you win!
Just another Heist map :) P2lkPTUxMDEzQTgxMEU0ODFBRDMmbWFwPVRVRlFYekZhVUZRNQ==
Wait how do I put the photo in?
The image button is the rightmost button. Make sure you have downloaded your image then submit it.
thanks :)
Este es el mapa mas, mas, mas original creo mírenlo y compruébenlo ustedes mismos...
Really good
Este es el cuarto mapa y les traigo uno de caza estelar.el siguiente sera otro de caza estelar pero con un detalle que nadie va a pensar...
Código del mapa: P2lkPTdCMTAxQUM1NEE5NDRCQjEmbWFwPVRVRlFYell6Tkd0bQ==
Un saludo a la comunidad...
Big Game Map Idea: Disoriented Zoo
Cool design
Cool design, but it would never work, too many bushes
Tell that to Hunting Party ;)
lol true
But thx for the feedback; definitely something to keep in mind.
It would be so hard to find the big brawler just saying. Also, to make it less easy for the big brawler, you could put gaps in the grass.
Heist map:]
My tag: #29QOC8UGP
Nice idea
New Heist map
In game name: ishish-_-
Title: Sad Man
My map I hope you like it
my tag:# PYLRL9PJY
Ok, we get it. Now stop posting this map
Yeah, you keep posting this over and over again
Pls stop posting it!
Hello SuperCell! This is my first map! This is a bounty map idea
My player name: [DN] Titanic12
My player tag: # 28UVR2GJ
Map name: Canyon
I feel like it needs a little more bushes but that’s just my opinion
yea it needs more gras
More grass, then it is perfect.
New Siege map
Title: Plus - Minus
In game name: ishish-_-
I named them because of the signs, the plus sign in the middle, and the subtraction signs near both of the ikes. Hope you like it :D
Too many bushes
My bounty map, hope you like it(:
My tag: #29QOC8UGP
This is really good
Made a gem grab map!
Hope it gets at least two upvotes
This is good.
If you want 2 upvotes, you know you can upvote your comment yourself right.
Why would you need grass at the top right corner???
It feels like the ike will hit you everywhere you go, even outside it's normal range.
My Showdown map
My nickname: [LP]KILLER2584
My tag: #22LU02RG
Map key
My Bounty map
My nickname [LP]KILLER2584
My tag: #22LU02RG
Map key
Nice idea, but it’s too crowded
My Brawl Ball map
My nickname: [LP]KILLER2584
My tag: #22LU02RG
Map key