Всем привет! Эту карту надо добавить Supercell, потому что она сделала качественно и красиво. Она хорошо тестировав! Надеюсь, вы выберете эту карту. Название карты: Звездная Долина.
Здравствуйте, уважаемые разработчики игры Brawl Stars. Я хочу представить вам свою карту для режима Столкновение (Showdown). Она называется Мираж. Значит, вполне мог ее протестировать в деле. Что я собственно и сделал. Эта карта подходит как для бойцов ближнего боя, так и для метателей. А вот собственно и сама карта:
Hi my friends, this card contains many surprises, I hope you enjoy it.
It took 3 hours to create this card.
And this is a masterpiece!
Card Name: HelloWin.
Creator: wAz-B
Email: Baconchik7777@gmail.com
Hi, Supercell! I want to offer you my map, for Showdown. I really hope you like my Map. Thanks!) Map Name: Fabulous Passage Key: oUdF8r2QzmbqloPVphRoJ1GldAUstIvFx9D1xb8K Name Creator: Max ID Player: #2VYUJ8QG
I made a map, but not from the official Brawl Craft map app, because my Play Market does not have this program, please appreciate this work! @mordeus #brawlstars #mordeus email: Ptenchik7777@gmail.com
Hey so i made a brawl ball map and for some reason it's not letting me take a screenshot so you'll have to see what it's like by entering the code: P2lkPTRCN0UxMDM3ODEzMEIxQjYmbWFwPVRVRlFYekIxZGxWVQ== . But basically my map doesn't work in this editor but would have to be in game to work because i used the new rope fences which say in the description of them that shots and brawl balls can go over them but the ball doesn't actually go over but my map is entirely based around the brawler not being able to go through but the ball is so what i did is put rope fences infront of the goal so you can shoot the ball in but you can't walk it in. However i realise that this doesn't only make it harder to walk it in but also makes it harder to defend because youhave to be infront of your goal to defend and can't be in it to catch as brawl ball shot so the entire concept is just stupid.
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1)Name map:Remote island
2)Teg in game:#PGP00QLQL ←200gems. #C20VVG0G←200gems. pls.supercell.
HYDRA VALT can plz say howz my map its my first map.......
Player ID :#99YYUPG8G
Map Name :Rush War
Before edit it had some error which is fixed now you can try it if you want ^_^
Всем привет! Эту карту надо добавить Supercell, потому что она сделала качественно и красиво. Она хорошо тестировав! Надеюсь, вы выберете эту карту. Название карты: Звездная Долина.
Map name: Graves of Mortis
Code: P2lkPTdCMjc2NzEwMkI2RDQ4QzUmbWFwPVRVRlFYekkyZWpReQ==
My Tag on Brawl Stars: #Y2UUV9YL
Nome su BrawlStars: ELLENZA
Chiave Mappa: P2lkPUQzNjY5NTkxMzdEMzFCOTUmbWFwPVRVRlFYekJCTW5aag==
Здравствуйте, уважаемые разработчики игры Brawl Stars. Я хочу представить вам свою карту для режима Столкновение (Showdown). Она называется Мираж. Значит, вполне мог ее протестировать в деле. Что я собственно и сделал. Эта карта подходит как для бойцов ближнего боя, так и для метателей. А вот собственно и сама карта:
Hello i make a new map for showdown.
Name of map:Dead zone.
my nick:supercel.
Моя карта
островные приключения
My id #PYP88JYCL
Вот это моя карта
My tag player: Y90UGVYL0
Name: Sidewalk Blocks
By: Vickypryana (Me)
its solo showdown in underground mine.
dont play it
Player ID: 2PPQ2R2JJ
Player Name: Zero
Map Key: P2lkPTg1N0MyMjkxMzg5RjUzM0MmbWFwPVRVRlFYekIzVTJWWQ==
My nick is Yoda.013 and here my map KEY:
my ID in Brawl Stars - #Q2GVUQR my map KEY: P2lkPUI2MDlCM0UwM0M3QUNDNzAmbWFwPVRVRlFYekJOWVdkSQ==
I want to offer you my map, for Showdown. I really hope you like my Map. Thanks!)
Map Name: Fabulous Passage
Key: oUdF8r2QzmbqloPVphRoJ1GldAUstIvFx9D1xb8K
Name Creator: Max
ID Player: #2VYUJ8QG
hope this is a good map file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/Mining%20Begins_2020-06-11_10-53-31.png
Information about map:
Map name: Stormy Surprise
Personal information about creator:
User Name in game: Clutch-YT
Player ID: QR0U0VC
On my wall is a 2D map in full!
pls add this map supercell this is a very good map
it is called Grassy Mix
try it out pls
thank you
email: signorpollo3@gmail.com
map name: the forbidden zone
by signorpollo
my first map моя первая карта
Want to crash?
This is your map:
I see no actual builder just comments and rating and stuff like that.
Please help
Hey so i made a brawl ball map and for some reason it's not letting me take a screenshot so you'll have to see what it's like by entering the code: P2lkPTRCN0UxMDM3ODEzMEIxQjYmbWFwPVRVRlFYekIxZGxWVQ== . But basically my map doesn't work in this editor but would have to be in game to work because i used the new rope fences which say in the description of them that shots and brawl balls can go over them but the ball doesn't actually go over but my map is entirely based around the brawler not being able to go through but the ball is so what i did is put rope fences infront of the goal so you can shoot the ball in but you can't walk it in. However i realise that this doesn't only make it harder to walk it in but also makes it harder to defend because youhave to be infront of your goal to defend and can't be in it to catch as brawl ball shot so the entire concept is just stupid.
Hello everyone!
i publish my own map!
Name of map: Collapsed Land
creator: GX Thuglife
P.S. If u want se it how a "graphic" reply this comment!
Thanks for u time for this!
-GX Thuglife
Hi Supercell! I create map
Map Name: Spring Water